Tag Archives: #Growing
I Had a Brother
The sting has subsided; the disappointment of loss, the sorting of feelings. It’s been two years since my brother left his earth bonds. That doesn’t mean I have forgotten the pain; the memories; the years. They are there, buried in the recesses of my heart and mind. It would seem that there wasn’t much to …
Mom Hugs
This is my second Mother’s Day without my mama. Many of you have been without your moms a lot longer. Yet every Mother’s Day our thoughts turn to them, by choosing, or not. I struggled for a few years with unpleasant and broken memories about my mother. Her last years were miserable and sadly, those …
On The Verge
I feel like so many things are on the edge. We are on the verge of…something monumental. We are high above years of the unknown and the unexpected, looking down over a world of possibility! Opening up before us are choices and plans and decisions to be made. We are not alone in all of …
This Time of Year
It’s December. I get busier in my head in December. I make more plans. I spend more money. I bake more. I visit more. I get overwhelmed more. I realize my need more. In December. The celebrations of a year, good or bad, are had. The celebrations of lives and of bounty are had. Reminiscence …
Mud Pot
When I was a little girl…I LOVED, absolutely loved, playing in the mud. Much of my time was spent making pots and cakes and unusual little houses decorated with flowers and grasses. I am quite sure, like my granddaughter in the above photo, I was immersed in the material head to toe. My little treasures …
When I was little…I loved to create things. I loved to sing out loud at the top of my lungs. I painted pictures with abandon. I made up stories; yarns a mile long. I made mud pies with fancy flower toppings. I dreamed and imagined and got lost in the creative. I played house; made …
It’s Time
“It’s Time.” As clear as day, I heard those words this morning. “Time? Time for what?” I think this means that it is time for me to create. I am floundering. I have a picture in my head of a canvas painted red and that is all I’ve got. I came over to the studio …
Confessions Of An Intercessor
There was THAT moment. That moment in time when realization flooded me. He has called me His. He has called me to be His Intercessor. His WHAT!!?? You mean, You want me to pray?! And HEY! JUST an Intercessor? What the heck God!? That’s it!? That’s all You got!? Can you imagine talking back to …
Reshaping My Heart
My first taste of the Midwestern teen social scene involved a boy, a truck and a keg of beer….And apparently a random corn field. My family had just relocated from California to a tiny town in Missouri. I was sixteen years old. My first date with this boy was riding back and forth on the …