Ride Course

“…If you receive My words and treasure my commands, make your ear attentive…incline your heart…” Proverbs 2:1

Wheels spinning on down a country road, out in what the Ride people politely called ‘No man’s land’, I am struck by the wisdom that is unfolding before me…

I am ‘attempting’ to ride my little blue bike twenty-five miles for a benefit ride for the Kingdom Youth Center in our town. I will admit to being extremely worried about how I was going to complete this ride, being that my sixty-six year old, out of shape body was clearly not prepared for this undertaking. It was only with the prodding and faith of my friends that I signed up, and thankfully, that was helpful to my mental outlook!

As the riders spaced out to their own paces, I found myself riding alone out on these quiet roads. It was absolutely beautiful out there. On my past rides and runs, I have been know to maybe not have a clue where I am actually going much of the time. I typically follow behind a friend while indulging in mind-wandering activity and sightseeing. I truly am that wayward child lost in my own little world.

That was a problem while out by myself this morning. I managed to make the proper turns on the course, some by turning back to check the course markings. When I got out on a long stretch of road, where there were no signs, I began to lose faith in the original direction I followed. Did I miss a sign? Did I even look at the map crunched up in my pocket? (um…)

I laughed at myself and thought how my friend Tanna patiently corrected my course in these instances in the past. As I realized my legs and saddle were becoming fatigued, I really went further down that path of, “uh oh…I think I am lost…”. I pulled over and pulled out the map (ahem! finally).

The thoughts that rolled around in my tired mind were some that I have been experiencing with regard to this writing journey.

Did I miss the signs, Lord? Am I really supposed to go this way? Am I going to ride an extra ten miles out of my way?! And just WHERE is that sweep crew!?

Oh well, I will have to figure it out for myself!

I had Siri start my navigation back to our start point. I figured I would eventually find my way back.

Well…I road along another few miles and SUDDENLY, there in front of me, was a right turn sign for the course.


I stared at that course marking, not believing it was so. Siri said to go straight. It struck me, in that moment, that this was just how I respond to God when He is clearly giving me direction and I think I should go my own way, rescue myself, end the pain.

I don’t believe Him!

There is a fine line between a faith walk; not knowing where you are going and watching for the signs along the way, until you arrive at the destination; and not knowing where you are going, flying along by the seat of your pants and not watching for the direction OR consulting the very obvious map in you pocket.

I must have sounded a little crazy to the sweet ladies at the next rest stop as I began telling them about my revelation! Ha!

Oh Betsy! You are so funny. How God loves you and patiently and lovingly leads you along on that long road where the course markings are few and far between.

Dear ones, don’t lose faith in the Creator of the Ride. Trust His directions. Continue, holding tight to that Hand that is leading you. And Be not afraid sweet one…He knows the end from the beginning.

“Guarding the paths of justice, and He preserves His godly ones. Then you will discern…every good course.” Proverbs 2:9-10

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