Proverbs Seven

“…dressed as a harlot and cunning of heart…boisterous, rebellious, her feet do not remain at home…she seizes, she kisses…’I have come out to meet YOU’ she says, ‘ to seek your presence earnestly…”-proverbs 7:10-11,15

this is my familiar friend. her name is worry. her name is fear…her name is control…her name is my weakness…she comes deceptively when I am worried or preoccupied with something that will not let me loose. she comes when I won’t let go of control over something that is not even my business or mine to manage; this boisterous friend who loudly proclaims the benefits of friendship with her… and yet…

"as an ox goes to the slaughter...the arrow pierces my liver..." -Proverbs 7:22,23 

I am a bird in a snare and the choice of her friendship leads to my costs me my life...

This proverb, seemingly about someone else, about a young man taken by lust, is in actuality about me. I am that naive young man, deceived and captured by the ways of the 'harlot'.
How tempting it is to take on that which is not mine to carry. I don't even know I have been caught in the snare until I am in the sight of the arrow; until I am crushed to despair. As I am being led down the path to her house, with the colored linens and the rich fragrance of myrrh, aloe and cinnamon, I have stars in my eyes and dreams of ease and love.

It is in the embrace of the worry and fear that I suddenly realize I am doomed to a sentence of death. My soul wilts and I crumble into a heap of tears and repentance.
Oh WHY!? Can I not trust that God will indeed care for my cares? Why must I try to steer the storms and orchestrate the waves?!

A great thorn in the flesh is this need to be in control. I guess I am not too different from my 'mother' Eve of the Garden. I want to know EVERYTHING, every detail, every plan, every step of the way!

The simplest of armor is at my disposal.

Praise and thanksgiving.
These two gracious friends stand faithfully at my doorstep. They are not flamboyant but they are beautiful with the softest touch and the gentlest embrace. They touch my hand and I am filled with peace. No longer does my mind spin with plans and solutions. No more do I lose sleep and walk around and around a problem.

I am simply invited to dance and to glide along over a meadow of green grass;  to lift my arms upward to the clear sky; to raise my voice in songs of joy.

Gone is the threat of the trap; released, I am, from chains; and the pallor of the grave has been exchanged for the Light of my Lord's capable Presence.

Worry and fear have no place here with me.
Farewell my deceptive friends. You cannot come near my house again. You cannot even come in my yard!

My windows are lit by the Living God. My doors are barricaded with thanksgiving. My bed is made with praise.

Thank You Proverbs Seven;)

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