There is something to be said about the communication of the eyes. The smile in one’s eyes has the power to encourage and lift one up to the heights.
This last several years of wearing masks everywhere we go has certainly confirmed that. With faces covered, we have come to rely on the eyes to speak for us. Where before, it was easy to look away when speaking to a stranger, the wearing of a mask has called us out, has made us linger longer with our eye contact. If you are like me, I had to pause and look ‘harder’ to be able to hear what people were speaking because I rely on being able to see the mouth to hear.
Recently, my oldest grandson asked me, via text, if I wanted to do a ‘devotion’ together through the book of Psalms. Now, you have to understand that this grandson is ten years old and an avid gamer, AND we live 1600 miles away from each other. So for him to ask me to do this was a thrill to my old-fashioned ‘non-gamer’ heart! The first thing I thought of as I read his invitation, was his sweet face, and more specifically, his smiling eyes looking at me. That kid lights up a room with his eyes and they stand out in my memory like neon lights. He borders on shy and timid but when he smiles or has an idea he does not hold back. So now, every time I send a polo or text regarding our ‘devotion’, I am thinking of and seeing his eyes with that little light turned on in them.
This made me think about the power of our eyes. What do I say with my eyes? Is what I am thinking apparent in my glance? Fear? Anger? Sadness? Joy? Surprise? Love?
Words become secondary when I speak with my eyes and facial expressions.
The ‘windows to my soul’ is a phrase I’ve heard regarding the eyes. What is going on in my soul will be visible in my eyes. I have been preoccupied with something worrying me and smiling with my mouth and had people ask me what is wrong. I’m smiling, I’m fine! But the eyes tell the truth.
Oh that my conscience would be clear and my heart light and at peace that my eyes, the evidence of my soul condition, would be smiling and carefree and an encouragement to others.
"The eye is the lamp of the body, if your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness!" -Matthew 6:22-24 "Eyes are windows to the soul." -Shakespeare