Pricking of the Heart

“…let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open to hear the prayer of Your servant which I am praying before You now on behalf of the sons of Israel…” Nehemiah 1:6

I love, love, love the story of Nehemiah’s heart in the Bible! This man, a zealous Jew, loved His people and the land of his fathers, Jerusalem. He saw the sins of his own house and his nation, their rebellion against God. He saw the broken down state of Jerusalem; the Great Wall around this magnificent city broken down and in shambles, and he wept.

Tears come with the squeeze of my heart as I consider the rebellion of my own people and the condition of my country and the cities of this earth.

We, like the Babylonian empire who overtook the people of God and submitted them to a slave’s captivity, are a rebellious people, intent on having our own way.

Nehemiah’s prayer for restoration began with his own confession of brokenness and sin.

“…We have acted corruptly against You and have not kept Your commandments…” Nehemiah 1:7

man sitting on a pew holding a cross

Oh that I, O Lord, would remain in You, transparent and honest, submitted and waiting; that I would listen as You direct my steps and that I would find favor with You and man!

I pray that as we behold the sin of our fathers, of our families of our friends, of our enemies, of ourselves, that we would weep and pour out our hearts to God on behalf of the nations and of all peoples.


How lovely, how beautiful, are Your mercies every morning sweet Lord! I dwell in Your presence and bask in Your Light. Your healing clothes me and purifies the broken in me. I behold Your glory and am lifted up out of the miry clay.

The fowler’s snare easily captures my feet and I fall, entangled in a mass of rope and chains. My face smeared with tears; my knees skinned and raw; my feet are caked in the mud of despair at my flawed nature. That nature that rears up proudly, flaunting her independence, flirting with the enemy and then too late, awakens to the trap.

Oh Father! Forgive me! Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that covers all my sin.

” For what I am doing, I do not understand. For I am not practicing what I would like to do, but the very thing I hate.” Romans 7:15

He hears and comes near. He wipes my tears and lifts me up. His arms come round about my hunched shoulders and we walk in the cool of the morning. The night is closed. The torment of the sneering enemy, accusing me of my mistakes, of careless words and crooked steps, disappears in the Light of my Savior. He paid the price and offers me continual grace and a new name.

No longer is my name ‘shame’. No longer am I called ‘foolish’. Wearing the heavy cloak of darkness is not for me again. For my name is ‘beautiful’. My name is ‘grace’. My name is ‘holy’. I am clothed in His ‘righteousness’.

I rise up and take up the helmet of salvation to protect my thoughts. I wear His righteousness as a breastplate, covering my heart. I hold the sword of the Spirit in my right hand and the shield of faith in the other.The fiery darts of the enemy are extinguished with this great faith. My loins, the generations to come, are girded with Truth. I share this wisdom with the hungry little ones around me. My feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Everywhere I walk I carry peace!

We all, with our stories of defeat and with victory, overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!

“There is, therefore, now, no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus.For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death.” Romans 8:1


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

there is an empty place at my side, an unusual quiet, a missing piece. a heaviness in my bones on our walk.

where have you gone, why did you leave? I really wanted more of you. you needed your rest.

thank you, my friend, for staying with me for awhile-you did your job wisely and well-and I shall miss you for always.

my human heart has been made so tender. Oh Lord! why so? the ache and the chasm so large right now.

guard my friend until I can touch her again. I know You alone understand why she came to me and how she blessed me, I trust that you will care for her better than I right now.

some day we will run together again. until that day be well and whole.


“I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.” Song of Solomon 6:3

We are His beloved. He loves us SO much that He desires our company, our conversation, our hearts, our lives. We are beautiful to Him. He is captivated by us and will not relent until He has every part of us.That delight in us is a passionate pursuit.

Just think! The Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the maker of heaven and earth wants me!!! How can this be!!??

We play ‘hard to get’. We hide, we cover ourselves, we run. No matter where we try to go, He is there. He will not leave us alone.

Imagine what Joy the Father must feel when it is me that pursues Him!! What must He be thinking when I am searching for Him, like I am looking for buried treasure?

Does He get butterflies in His stomach or does His heart hammer in anticipation of our arrival?

Does He run out to embrace me as I run to Him? Does He help me find precious diamonds buried deep in His Word? Does He come out into the bad weather and help me wade through waves to look for the seashells along the brimming oceans? Will He cheer me on as I race to the finish?

Yes! Yes! And YES!!

Oh Lord! How I love the way You love me! Fill me with thanksgiving. Fill me up to overflowing with Your power and Presence. Overwhelm me again and again with the revelation of Your sweet care and desire for me.

The Song of Solomon in the Bible is a breathtaking and spicy revelation of the love between a man and his intended. Reading the story actually makes me blush. I am pretty much a pushover for romance but this book takes it to the next level. The chapters are written allegorically, historians and theologians believe, depicting the love between Christ and His Bride, the Church.

I personalize it even further to say it is written about the Father’s love for ME! No wonder I blush…

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy as fierce as the grave. Its flashes of fire, the very flame of the lord.” Song of Solomon 8:6

Up Ahead

“Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established.” Proverbs 4:25-26

Have you ever been plagued by envy? Fear of missing out (FOMO) ? Jealousy? A critical spirit? ADHD (squirrel!) ?Are you constantly watching the side of the road as you travel along? Or…are you frequently looking back, over your shoulder?

I woke up yesterday morning with a niggling, complaining spirit sitting on my back. That thing thinks it can come in here on a daily and pester me! I gather my morning things; my tea, my bible, my devotional, my journal and favorite pen, and settle myself in my comfy chair by the window to wake up with Jesus, and there it sits, beckoning me to join the party…

SO annoying!!

The thing that was different about yesterday was that I recognized it before it really pulled me in. My eyes fell on the verses in Proverbs about straight paths and refreshment and walking securely. I realized the root of this ugly familiar friend was me looking off my path.

I was looking at someone else’s path. I was distracted by the piles of rocks off to the sides of the trail. I was gazing a little too long at things out of my control and none of my business. I had stopped walking on my own road to stare over at another road at the things that were sucking me right down into bad attitudes, grumbly words and drooping shoulders…again.

No wonder David was telling Solomon, repeatedly, to stay on his own trail; keep his eyes fixed straight to the front, watching where he put his feet IN FRONT of him! His ways would be established if he did this!

I too, need this constant reminder to press forward. I cannot spin my wheels looking back at what was or what could have been. I cannot labor over other people’s ‘stuff’.

As a warrior for the hearts of others, I tend to fall easily into carrying burdens not my own. As a mother, mimi, wife, nurse I want to fix and soothe and nurture others. It can easily become a way off my own assignment.

I have been given gifts meant for the building of God’s Kingdom, God’s way. When I start looking over the edge, or focusing on the weeds and dangers on my walk, I stumble over bumps and crevices on the trail. Sometimes, I even go off the trail getting lost in the overgrowth.

It really is load lifting to JUST look ahead at where I put my own feet. If I leave to the side all the distractions… all of the responsibilities that belong to others, I feel such weight taken off my shoulders. A song of praise drifts through my mind. I am set free in an instant!

Up ahead, is a marvelous and beautiful sight! Something neither eye has seen nor ear has heard! It is my greatest calling to fix my eyes up there and to watch for what God will do. He even takes my missteps, my mornings lost in the bushes of criticism, and transforms them into the most amazing things.The damage I do in my humanity, either with tongue or with sour face, He uses for good. He turns me back around and makes a Way in the wilderness where I’ve lost the trail!

“… what the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good… Genesis 50:25

Happy Trails today, my friends.

Look to SEE what the Lord will do, up ahead.


Bones Refreshed

“…Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:7-8

I am bathed in His Word in the morning light. I am sheltered by truth in a world that wants to make its own truth. I turn from the ways of darkness and walk into a place of health and wellness.

When I read this verse in Proverbs I immediately think about my bones. I know it sounds a little weird but I do!

My bones do hurt sometimes; especially when I eat the wrong kinds of food or work with my hoe all day long in the hard ground of my garden. My mama had osteoporosis and stooped over pretty badly. She broke bones spontaneously. I guess that is why I am dwelling here at this verse.

Our bones support and carry all our parts around this earth. When they are broken or weak, they hurt and they don’t carry us anywhere very well.

Anyone who has ever broken a bone or had osteoporosis or joint issues will tell you that they have pain when the weather changes. Some even profess to be able to predict storms by their bones.

I want to be faithful to care for the frame of this temple that houses my spirit. The bones and ligaments and tendons that allow for movement are important to propel me into a day.

Logically speaking, this verse, if to be taken literally as an instruction on how to live, speaks volumes. If…then…

When I spend time reading the Bible, I am refreshed.

I feel like my frame, my bones, are strengthened.

If my shoulders are slumping in discouragement or the weight of cares, I am lifted up. If I am sick, fragile and exhausted, His Word sustains, lifts my chin and sorts things out.

When evil besets me, either in thoughts or physical events, my God protects me and shows me a path to safety. As I turn away from the evil before me, I find I am healed and refreshed. Blind eyes are opened.

Let us embrace this healing and refreshment as we turn from evil and turn to our Creator who planned and orchestrated all things well.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverb 3:5-6

Ride Course

“…If you receive My words and treasure my commands, make your ear attentive…incline your heart…” Proverbs 2:1

Wheels spinning on down a country road, out in what the Ride people politely called ‘No man’s land’, I am struck by the wisdom that is unfolding before me…

I am ‘attempting’ to ride my little blue bike twenty-five miles for a benefit ride for the Kingdom Youth Center in our town. I will admit to being extremely worried about how I was going to complete this ride, being that my sixty-six year old, out of shape body was clearly not prepared for this undertaking. It was only with the prodding and faith of my friends that I signed up, and thankfully, that was helpful to my mental outlook!

As the riders spaced out to their own paces, I found myself riding alone out on these quiet roads. It was absolutely beautiful out there. On my past rides and runs, I have been know to maybe not have a clue where I am actually going much of the time. I typically follow behind a friend while indulging in mind-wandering activity and sightseeing. I truly am that wayward child lost in my own little world.

That was a problem while out by myself this morning. I managed to make the proper turns on the course, some by turning back to check the course markings. When I got out on a long stretch of road, where there were no signs, I began to lose faith in the original direction I followed. Did I miss a sign? Did I even look at the map crunched up in my pocket? (um…)

I laughed at myself and thought how my friend Tanna patiently corrected my course in these instances in the past. As I realized my legs and saddle were becoming fatigued, I really went further down that path of, “uh oh…I think I am lost…”. I pulled over and pulled out the map (ahem! finally).

The thoughts that rolled around in my tired mind were some that I have been experiencing with regard to this writing journey.

Did I miss the signs, Lord? Am I really supposed to go this way? Am I going to ride an extra ten miles out of my way?! And just WHERE is that sweep crew!?

Oh well, I will have to figure it out for myself!

I had Siri start my navigation back to our start point. I figured I would eventually find my way back.

Well…I road along another few miles and SUDDENLY, there in front of me, was a right turn sign for the course.


I stared at that course marking, not believing it was so. Siri said to go straight. It struck me, in that moment, that this was just how I respond to God when He is clearly giving me direction and I think I should go my own way, rescue myself, end the pain.

I don’t believe Him!

There is a fine line between a faith walk; not knowing where you are going and watching for the signs along the way, until you arrive at the destination; and not knowing where you are going, flying along by the seat of your pants and not watching for the direction OR consulting the very obvious map in you pocket.

I must have sounded a little crazy to the sweet ladies at the next rest stop as I began telling them about my revelation! Ha!

Oh Betsy! You are so funny. How God loves you and patiently and lovingly leads you along on that long road where the course markings are few and far between.

Dear ones, don’t lose faith in the Creator of the Ride. Trust His directions. Continue, holding tight to that Hand that is leading you. And Be not afraid sweet one…He knows the end from the beginning.

“Guarding the paths of justice, and He preserves His godly ones. Then you will discern…every good course.” Proverbs 2:9-10


“The proverbs…to know wisdom and instruction…” Proverb 1:2

This, my friends is the first day’s thoughts. I have been challenged to write for thirty days. That part is not difficult. It’s the turning down of the volume and sheer number of words to make it more inviting to the casual reader.

A thirty-day devotional? Thirty days of the words that dance through my spirit? Thirty days of simple sweet wisdom that flows down from the Father above?

I am uncertain even what this looks like as I begin. My being resonates with this challenge because I know it is where God has me right now. He is asking that I write. He is asking me to walk out onto the water; farther thanI have ever walked before. He is asking that I trust Him in the face of the unknown. I will do it.

I begin each day with His Word. It is true and I believe that He leads through its pages. The prophets and kings, the broken and the proud, the powerful and the paupers…each one reaches into my heart and mind and guides me to higher places, step by step.

My daily intake of a Proverb over the years has been my starting point of each day; so why not start there, in this project?

The very first verses remind me of the why. To KNOW wisdom…I don’t know about you, but I desperately need wisdom! I have done some foolish moves in my day, and the course of the next thirty days you will see how I have stumbled and fumbled and fought and clung to get up the mountains in my life.

Here I am with prose and songs that pour out upon the paper. Hold me accountable, reader, to not lose you in my flowery diatribes.

This is just to state my intentions.

The next thirty days you will receive in your inboxes a fresh writing. Make comments. Feel free to respond any way you like.

My desire is simply to honor God, honor you and step out upon the water with eyes lifted high.

Thank you, Betsy

The Rain

The earth crouches…waiting…the current in the air is palpable…the fragrance of water is all around yet not a drop in sight. The gray of the sky is thick, covering everything in a weightiness that pushes one down.

If I were one to be affected by this gloom, I would be hidden away in bed with the covers up to my chin. I am the opposite. This weight stirs my soul and inspires me to dive into the depths of the heaviness and wait in eager anticipation for the pouring out of sweet refreshment. I ride my bike out onto the desolate highway. I dig in the dirt and take in every scent of soil waiting with open arms for a drink. I walk through the woods and watch the trees, still and quiet, as if gathering strength to face the coming storm. My animals cling to my side, also watchful, but more in fear of the loud that will assault their sensitive hearing.

This ‘waiting’ is for a much needed respite from drought.

Our land is dry and barren. The tender green grasses hide from scorching sun. The tiny flowers sprout under large protective trees, but the pageant of ferocious growth is absent this year. No rain to speak of since July.

I was thinking, how like our hearts, in anticipation of the coming changes in our worlds.

We are awaiting a coming election in this country. One that could be pivotal in so many arenas. The prophets and the speculators speak their thoughts. The earth-bound authorities wage battles with their tongues. We the people crouch. We feel the currents in the air. We smell the arrival of fresh winds. Many shiver, afraid in their houses. Some are under their covers, waiting until the storm passes over, and the sun comes out. Some are out, sowing seeds, riding the highways, dancing in the forests, comforting their beasts. All wait.

We the ‘people’ of the Living God have nothing to fear! We can ‘make up our minds not to defile ourselves’ as Daniel did. (Daniel 1:8) ; not to lower ourselves to the place that denies God, would sacrifice children to false gods, or who will follow whatever wind of doctrine that seems popular.

Our God will defend us. As we honor Him, He will give us honor.

We wait in eager anticipation for His deliverance from ANY coming storm!

We rest in the scent of His powerful love.

We embrace truth, defend the weak and refuse to be deluded by lying spirits.

The sudden outpouring of rain comes, as expected, and drenches my clothes. I am refreshed from the thick air. The crashing of thunder stirs my spirit like no other, and I am thrilled and excited.

I know what will come out of this beautiful battle. Victory!

Our human eyes that see only the television and the skirmishes and poverty around us, are opened to behold the victorious One, high upon His throne. He has the ultimate authority over the darkness that rages and rears its ugly head. As He reigns, so His Kingdom flourishes. He alone gives authority to whom He will. We must trust that He will have His Way.

Do not fear, O land, rejoice and be glad, for the Lord has done great things…Rejoice, O sons of Zion, and be glad in the Lord your God; for He has given you the early rain for your vindication. He has poured down for you the rain. The early and the latter rain…

Then I will make up to you for years the locusts have eaten…”

-Joel 2:21-25

You are so loved my friends! -Betsy

Secret Place

When we were kids, my brothers and I, loved to climb all day. We climbed anything that would hold us and even some things that didn’t…My dad referred to us as monkeys our whole lives until we were grown and the name changed to ‘Apes’. 

The climbing was in us. I remember when we were quite little, we liked to climb up on a dresser so that we couldn’t be reached by the others when we played tag. It was quite often our designated ‘SAFE’. I really don’t recall it ‘not being allowed’. The ability to climb up there was a feat of strength and agility that we exercised until we got so big we tipped the thing over…I believe my mama put a stop to it at that point, and sent us out to a great tree in the front yard that was to be our new playground.

I was intimidated by the tree at first, but my dad showed us how to find a foothold and get a handhold and strategically and slowly climb up. There were days I got stuck up there and cried and cried for help. My dad would eventually come and ‘rescue’ me, patiently talking me down, one step at a time. We gradually learned this ‘art’ without help, teaching the next one how to do it.

This shared magic was something my brothers and I looked forward to every day the weather was good. We got stronger and more skilled in our climbing and went higher and higher trying to best each other in heavy competition. Pretty soon the entire neighborhood of kids spent their afternoons at our house climbing the great tree. I think at one time we had about fifteen kids up there. Some had to wait in line for their turn to climb up there. It was ‘The Fort’. It was ‘House’. It was ‘Base’.  It was ‘Heaven’. It was’The Hideout’. It often became a tent with the help of old sheets. Occasionally during playing ‘war’ it was the launchpad for dirt clods or teacups full of water for the ‘enemy’ down below.

I, being the oldest, was the first to find my way to the top. I sat up on the only strong branch near the top, gazing out through thin sticks and leaves. It became the ‘lookout’ that everyone aspired to reach. I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about the thrill of that position!

The great trunk and branches were slowly worn smooth from years of climbing by growing feet and hands. I loved to run my hand over its trunk, even hugging the thing in love and comfort when tears and sorrows attacked. I frequently climbed as high as I could and sat in its hidden cover to be by myself.

This tree and other climbing things are engrained in my spirit. I graduated to horses and hills and mountains and uneven parallel bars. Anything that would lift me up above…

When we moved, and years later,  I went back to see my old house. I was shocked to see the Tree missing from the front yard. 


I sat outside the house in my car and cried great tears of loss. A loss of childhood.

This thing, this memory lives deep in my heart and it was provoked by an enormous cousin to that first tree.

Currently, we are in process at our house and property, cleaning and clearing and refining our living space. Today we said goodbye to an ancient chicken coop, built by my father and brothers for my mama. The thing was falling apart. It had been patched and kept useful beyond its lifespan. The roof and walls were disintegrated and when I had chickens in it, was regularly invaded by snakes and varmints, stealing the precious eggs.

Removing the skeleton, opened up the area around a beautiful old oak tree.  I love this tree!!  And I have always loved this shaded section of the yard! 

As I raked underneath and gazed up into the giant limbs, I got butterflies again. I could totally SEE a swing and children climbing and playing in its branches. The vision is BIG!!!

Interestingly enough, nearly all my grandchildren are ‘climbers’ also!  It’s not unusual to find them scaling rocks or hanging from trees.

What is the value of such as this? Where does the desire to climb and imagine and compete and dare such feats come from? 

Better yet, Lord, what is it You want me to say here? What can I glean from a distant memory that has given such vision and delight?

We know, innately, that this world is not our home. We humans, created in the image of God, dwell with Him, daily watching at His gates, listening for His Words. Surely there is some connection between the attempt to go higher and the need to reach the Heavens, to be back with our Creator.

We all, in varying ways want to go ‘up’. Our families, our jobs, our house, our cars; that next mountain. It is how we are wired. 

Is striving to reach upward part of our DNA? What does that look like for you?

” From the end of the earth I will cry unto Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”

-Psalms 61:2

Do we long to go to that hidden place where we are nourished and fed, where we can look down on our woes from lofty heights, where none can see us but the One who knows it all?

Surely there, the problems that beset us seem small and the pits become invisible!

We sail above it all in our tree, on our mountain, in our airplane…

Oh Lord! What a great and beautiful Father You are. You designed us with all of our quirks and desires carefully molded into our makeup. You SEE us hidden away, clinging to Your feet.

 Even as we seek after Your Presence in the secret places of our hearts…You find us to be Your delight and Your treasure. Set us apart for Your purposes, as we search after Your treasure!!

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”.

~ Psalm 91:1