Mom’s Stuff

person pouring water photography
Photo by Creative Vix on

I think I have previously written about a ‘Poverty Mentality’. If I have, and this is redundant, please disregard. But this topic is repeatedly before me as I meander through my life or relive my past life, or observe the lives of those close to me.

I am in the process of cleaning my mama’s house. I am going through her living space of the last fifty years. I am cleaning and sorting and dwelling on so many memories. This is not for the purpose of tying up a life well lived but to organize and prepare for the eventuality of her death and mine.

Are we reduced, at death, to nothing more than a pile of belongings that mean nothing to anyone but ourselves in life? Are the yellowed boxes of books and old clothes what we are?

I have had to care for the things that my mom and dad cared for and I have discovered that as my mom has aged, she cares very little for the things she has hidden away in closets and drawers. Her fear of loss of ‘things’ had become so profound in the last months in her home that she hid them even from herself, so that ‘no one would steal them’. I am slowly ‘finding’ the lost items. As I am finding things, I am also seeing a sorrow so great that I can only handle small doses at a time.

When I had to bring mama clothes to the hospital, I found tattered clothing and worn jeans held together with safety pens. I found shoes so walked in that one would not be able to stand up straight. I also found beautiful clothing bought in younger years that befit a wealthy woman. The sadness of such has weighed heavily on me, but has also made me look to myself and the way I do things.

black and red leather puma lace up high top shoes

Don’t I continue to wear the old underwear that are so comfortable I can’t throw them away? I also keep shoes that I love even when they make me walk crooked and don’t smell good even after washing. I have clothes that don’t fit and items that were important at one time.

Extended beyond those personal things, is the keeping of items long since ‘dead’ because one might need them at some point. But a rusted waffle maker with disintegrated handles? Or washing and reusing paper plates and plastic utensils (um…guilty)?

My mom grew up in times of poverty and want. She taught me many of her money saving values. Those are valuable gifts gleaned from hard times. What I speak of, is the fear and worry that is bred. The fear that there won’t be enough. The worry that we will suffer hunger or loss; the distrust of God and others to care for us. These things can come whether one grows up in plenty or want. When the worry robs one of sleep and life it is just worthless.

I see in myself the fear that I won’t catch up. That I will ‘never’ get it all done. The fear that God will not provide when there is a need. The conserving and using of goods and the using of the ‘old’, broken, suboptimal items for the purpose of making sure there is enough to go around. I must regularly purpose to give the ‘best’ to not only others but myself as well. It is an act of faith that does not come naturally. I suppose growing up the oldest helped feed the ‘others before me’ thinking but when there are no ‘others’ and I am still reusing a paper plate or washing out a plastic sandwich baggie, I question my thinking.

So, I say emphatically, we are MORE than ‘stuff’.  We are, each and every one, treasures with unique qualities and gifts to share with the world.  We are valuable and rich. Our Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills and can feed the five thousand with a few loaves and fishes. So, as His children, we walk in wealth. We carry an inheritance so great we cannot imagine how MUCH we possess.

 I am NOT poor and without. I have more and can share.

This seems a tiny effort on this child’s part, but, as an act of faith and trust in my Heavenly Father’s provision, tonight, I will get out my best dishes for dinner. I will take a bath and have a glass of our best wine while listening to worship music. I will praise God, my maker and provider, and will count every blessing.

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:19 NIV

Holy Day

brown tomb
“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do You believe this?” -John 11:25-27

Our Jesus was and is a very personal man. He had encounters with individuals that we read about in the bible that called them out of their comfort zones, called them to accountability, called them to Himself. It is the same today. He is still calling us out to hear Him and make decisions about what we believe and think and how we will conduct our lives.

In the quoted verse above, when Jesus encountered Martha, regarding her brother Lazarus’ death, Martha was resentful that Jesus hadn’t been there to save him. He was not offended.

He simply called Martha to make a personal decision.

” Do you believe this?”

He is asking us as well.

Thank You Jesus for what You did on that cross for me. Thank You for the cruel suffering that You endured, for the blood You spilled, for the separation from God You experienced…for ME. You were indeed the perfect sacrifice, the pure and spotless Lamb; but it is to Your Resurrection that I look for life. You conquered sin and death. You broke the power of the enemy of our souls and Your victory assures that I have victory here on earth and that I will live eternally with You! You are seated on Your rightful throne and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord!

So I say YES and AMEN to Your Resurrection!

And to ‘Easter’ – from the Hebrew word ‘Pesach’ which means Passover.

Let us rejoice together on this HOLY DAY. We have reason to celebrate this sweet victory.

Rough Stone Steps

steps in rocky cliffs going down
Photo by Maria Orlova on

It seems my feet are plodding and trudging along this same rough path again. The bumpy way trips my feet and I proceed slower and slower as the way becomes steep. I have walked here before! Will it never get easier? I question my own judgement and condemn decisions made simply because I am heart broken and sad.

My previous vision of moving to Louisiana to care for my mother in her own home in these, her declining years, is dying a slow death. I have grieved it before, but here it is again, revived and demanding explanation for my abandonment of Plan A.

I am driving the long drive home from visiting my mama at her Nursing Home. It is seventy minutes of beautiful country roads. I love the way there…but the trip back almost always finds me depressed and mute. I sing on the coming, I mope on the going. Mostly, I do a lot of thinking both ways. My leaving her there finds me carrying away her sad isolation and depressive thinking. It climbs into the car with me and will not let me alone until I call it out and tell it to go away. I know WHO holds me and I know who holds my mother. That heavy ugliness has no right to come near either of us!

Logically Mama is in good and caring and capable twenty four hour hands. I am not able to do that for her. She and I both think that I can. Of course my Mama has always thought I could do anything. As I discovered, when she was at home with me, being so close to her to help, she did not really want me to do it for her. She said my time was valuable and I had to take care of my husband and see my grands and do ‘my things’. She got really belligerent about it too. If I did anything to help her (too much) she would come and yell at me.

Yesterday, when I visited her, I helped her get her shoes on and tied them for her. I was squatted down on the floor and I felt her hand stroking the top of my head and my hair. Even writing this brings tears. I am not certain what she was thinking when she did that but, I felt like I was her little girl again and she was tying MY shoes. Oh! The wonder of being in this place I am walking…

I trip. I fall. I cry. I yell. I vent. To anyone who will listen for five minutes I ask questions over and over. Am I doing the right thing? Is this what is best? Is there a better way? Does it ever get better? All of the difficulties and the things called out of me here in this place are a gift that draws me to my knees while dragging me through streets of stone.

I count it a blessing to hold my mother’s hand and talk about nonsense. I brush her hair and catch the brittle, silver pieces falling out on the floor. She did this all for me once upon a time. I want to hang onto every little bit of her, the good and the bad.

Never the less…I am on THIS road right now and there is no right or wrong way to travel it. Today I trudge, perhaps tomorrow I will be dancing or running or skipping? Either way, I want to look forward to the ‘up’.

I read a little excerpt the other day, in an old devotional I found that speaks of this so brightly. it is from “God Calling” Author unknown.

The rough stone steps of obedience lead up to the mosaic of Joy and Love that floor My heaven.” -God Calling 1945

It’s Time

brown wooden framed hour glass
Photo by Ron Lach on

“It’s Time.”

As clear as day, I heard those words this morning.

“Time? Time for what?”

I think this means that it is time for me to create.

I am floundering. I have a picture in my head of a canvas painted red and that is all I’ve got. I came over to the studio this morning to put this in action. I was hedging, not trusting the leading of those words I heard. I chose a used canvas and suboptimal paints. I had always wanted to try ‘paint pouring’ so that is where I began…The experiment was not really successful, at least not from my ‘vision’ perspective. The creation did not look like what was in my head.

 The choices I made, the used canvas, the substitute ingredients, reflected my lack of trust in my creative heavenly Father. Why not go ‘ALL IN”? I did not, because I was afraid. Afraid of failure, perhaps? Did not want to waste the good stuff? Not really believing that God would help me? I don’t know. All I know now is that I am sitting in this studio with a feeling I am supposed to be creating ‘something’ and I don’t know what or which way to turn.

gray and black artwork

I have SO much! I have fresh clay to spin and form. I have fabric and patterns and a quilt to make. I have a loom with a weaving begun. I have some beautiful brand new canvases. I have paper and pencils and paint… and I am frozen.

It’s time to wait, again.

‘AGAIN, Lord!!??’

‘Yes, Betsy. Time to wait before Me and let ME lead. Not you in the lead.”

It has taken me quite a long while to return to this studio. I used to love it here. I could get lost for hours. The last time I worked in here, I had a fight with my mom. It left a bad taste in my mouth. But the stopping was before that. Something interrupted the creativity, that reverie, and I am not really certain what that was.

My comfort is always in the ‘doing’ of things. I can work for hours at backbreaking labor in the yard or house and am as content as can be. I used to tend my family and work to the end of myself. The comfort is safe and does not require me to stop and listen, or at least it didn’t. I knew what was required and I did it. But that was the before.

Now…here I am, on the verge of newness and I am as a child. I am needing a hand and a gentle guide. I need someone to TELL me what to do. I am lost without the severe routine. The struggle is real. I wrestle, and toss and turn. I sigh. Then I jump up and go ‘do’ a chore. Then I hear that voice saying, “you need to stop’. UGH!

Maybe, God is trying to show me what the ‘something’ was that stopped the flow. Maybe this is a new start? I don’t know yet.

 I just know that, “It’s time.”

"They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

to be needed

I was in Fourth Grade. It is a memory as clear as yesterday in my heart and mind. I was new to the school, having moved onto a new base in Okinawa. I had not met too many people, but I tried to show my shy self as friendly as I could, to fit in.

A group of equally awkward fourth graders were racing back to class after recess when one of our number did a face plant on the cement walk. There was blood and tears and drama. I was experienced with this, having plenty of that in my home with two wild little brothers. The teacher who responded, recognized a need for first aid, as did I. She made eye contact with me and commanded, “Run to the office for help!”

I barely knew where the office was, but I could run fast and there was a need! So off I went as fast as my feet could carry me.

The memory that is imprinted on my mind was the emergent need for help and the rapid reasoning involved in solving the ‘problem’; something I did well. I assumed the role of ‘RESCUER’ seamlessly and accomplished the task of finding help, carrying first aid, and helping a new friend. I remember realizing in a flash as I ran, that I loved being involved in this kind of thing. The surge was invigorating! This was comfortable and useful. In this new world I was in, it was the perfect role to play. Running fast, adrenaline pumping, I had a specific job TO DO. It took the pressure to ‘fit in’ off of my burdened little heart and gave me such a sense of purpose. In that instant, I became, ‘the girl who saved the day.’ For the next several weeks, my notoriety carried me into a place of popularity and honor and I did not have to say a word. Everyone had the story…

The reason this memory has come to mind is all tied up and swirling around in my current decision about retiring from working as a nurse for forty years.

I have been wrestling and twisting and turning over this decision for more than a year. My husband would say severrraalll years. Every time I am on the verge of making a decision, a final decision about it, I go back to work. hehehe… well, it’s a decision isn’t it?!

So true to form, thinking constantly about this…in the garden yesterday, I asked God, ‘Why? Why am I having such a struggle with the idea of NOT working? It would be so fun to NOT work. I don’t HAVE to work. (And remember, this is the busy expert talking. There is never really NOT working.)

photo of medical professionals wearing personal protective equipment
Photo by Anna Shvets on

In my musing, out of the blue, came a response… “Because you feel needed. You feel valued.”

The obvious next question was, “Why is working as a nurse the way to feel needed? Hasn’t any of the other three thousand things I do had value?! And what is so all fired important about feeling NEEDED?!” Me, huffing at God.

Then that old memory popped into my head.


I remember before that Emergency event at school, feeling so lost when we moved for the third time in three months. Each move involved leaving dear friends. Each move uprooted me. Each move involved the loss of things and familiar ground. I was a sad, displaced soul looking for my place in an upside down world. My mom was involved in moving and unpacking and feeding us and caring for younger, needier siblings. My dad was consumed with a new, important and stressful job with long hours. I was on my own navigating this planet.

Before I went to that school, I literally spent a week sitting up in a tree pouting and crying.

Does THIS time in my life look the same? Am I pouting about my identity now? Am I sitting up in a tree by myself, licking my wounds?

I put forth that I am a work in progress. I have set about to listen, to hear, and to know. I refuse to pout, but rather to purpose thanksgiving and praise and joy in every one of my days. These actions look different every day these days. I used to carry these things with me to my work place. My days were dictated 24/7 by somebody else. Now…my ‘work place’ is my home, my yard, my studio, my church, my neighborhood, my town… And my Somebody else is me, guided by Holy Spirit.

I really want to understand how to recognize my value without that deep apparent need to be NEEDED. And yet… Is this basic human 101? Do we all seek after this?

I just have to figure out how my ‘genetic’ predisposition to seek to be needed, or self-discovered coping skill or whatever the heck it actually is, works into what LIFE looks like now, without a highly skilled, max stress, adrenaline-charged job day…

I know that God NEEDS me to be right where I am right now.

"Teach me to number my days..." -Psalms 90:12


unrecognizable mother holding hands with daughter
” She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” – Proverbs 31:26

My daughter spoke LIFE to me today. Life such that I was able to stand tall and rejoice. Rejoice in all the pain, unrest, labor and stretching that I had gone through as a mother; Rejoice in the ‘scars’.

We moms are subject to attack on so many levels for just being moms. I think that the enemy of our souls does not like that we are raising tiny warriors for the kingdom, or that we defend the lives of powerful people, or that we love our families with a self sacrificing, all encompassing love that brings life and strength.

The kind of attack I am talking about is the attack on our ‘jobs’, our minds, our souls.

You see… I uttered the words. to my daughter, “I don’t think I handled raising her very well.” She took issue with this, with good cause, because not only do those words discount me, but they discount her and WHO she is as a person and a mother herself. I did not see this as I spoke them, until she said they were a lie.

I had let the enemy tell me a lie about my mothering, AND I believed it! I am thankful that my daughter called me on this. She sweetly pointed out that she would not be able to be the mom she is today had I not been the person I was to her. She reminded me of some of the things that I did and how I handled them… I had forgotten in all of the busy-ness of life and the drama of raising teens that there was a person inside of me that made an impact on my kids. This brings me to tears.

I am in observer/encourager mode now as my kids raise their kids. My daughter has a teenage daughter. My role interceding and being a cheerleader has SO much joy in it! I can be an active participant in their lives simply being a Mom and Mimi on her knees.

The irony of this is that I am also walking through a season of encouraging my mother who has lost much of her physical and mental ability to carry on. Being in the middle of two generations has taken an emotional toll on me, yet… I would not trade this time for anything.

I don’t feel capable or able, but as I tie my mama’s shoe, she strokes my hair and I feel the mommy-daughter love that surely my daughter and I have partaken in, and she and her daughter enjoy as well. The power in this relationship and the gift that will carry on from generation to generation is evident.

Thank YOU dear Lord for reminding me that the job we do as a mother, no matter the inadequacy we feel, is done with great love and power for a higher purpose than we can ever realize!

"One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts..." -Psalms 145:4

Deep Deep Water

Cornett Family Homestead Cornettsville, Kentucky

In my hand was a yellowed packet of letters. The edges were worn, the ink on the outside nearly faded. The cultured manuscript belied their age. My Aunt Kathy was the ‘holder’ of the Brooks/Clark Family History. My Great Aunt Betty before her had handed it over, and now…. she was handing them to me.

Lately…I’ve been thinking about passing on truths to the next generation and about the responsibility I have to continue the work that was done in my life and the generations before me. The depth of this is enormous. It’s more than I can fathom and a bigger job than I realized when I was growing up. The weight of the envelopes in my possession reminds me. It is a bottomless well.

A few years ago, I heard a message regarding revival and spiritual truth. The word was regarding the starting of a great work in a church and the effort and sacrifice that went into the beginning of this movement. The author described years of heartbreaking prayer and suffering that preceded a miraculous new beginning. In this case, it was a tiny seed of faith in one individual who believed that God wanted to do a powerful work in the lives of this particular community. The unfolding of the answer did not come about in this prayer warrior’s lifetime but several generations later. The message I heard, described this preparatory time as a well that was being dug. Each generation that came after the previous one dug in that same well, a little deeper each time, until finally the people of the community were drinking freely from the rich life-giving water. The Holy Spirit flowed freely in the church, miracles occurred, lives were saved… all because of the fervent prayer of a single believer who could see with eyes of faith.

woman wearing grey long sleeved top photography
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

Since I heard that message, I have had time to ponder the wells that have been previously dug before me. In the churches that I attended it was plain to see that they were enjoying the fruit of a previous generation’s labor. Someone began to dig a well, looking for deep spiritual truth and life. The result of that work was a beautiful fellowship of families who loved Jesus and were sharing their faith in the community and beyond. I began to apply this in my family. Who were the ‘well diggers’ that I have to thank for my faith in God? I really didn’t know, beyond my parents.

After my dad passed away, as I looked through that aging packet of yellowed paper and beautiful manuscript, I found the answers to my questions.

My great-grandfather, John Brooks, who was like a father to my dad, had written a letter right after my dad had joined the Marine Corps. In this and the successive letters, these two men exchanged words of faith and encouragement that spoke volumes to the legacy that had been passed from one generation to another. Grandpa spoke of life and faith in God and of his fervent prayers for family and country and most especially for the welfare of my father going to war.

Here was a well that had been dug in our family! A deep, compassionate, powerful, praying man was my great grandfather, and he, and who knows how many before him, had ‘dug the well’ of faith and prayer; perhaps even praying for me, a generation after his grandson, my father!!

Think of it! Our families before us believed for our faith! I can only imagine who those warriors were! Did my great-great-great-grandmother pray me to life? My imagination runs away with me when I picture a tiny Irish woman kneeling in her garden, in Ireland, digging potatoes and praying for the faith in God to continue on after her through her great-great-great grandchildren!!!

“One generation shall praise Thy works to another and shall declare Thy mighty acts!” -Psalms 145:4

All my imaginings aside…but not really…I take this job of handing faith over to the next generation seriously. I see it as a great honor to be able to share my faith. I have five grand daughters and four grandsons that I want to see serving God and man with valiant and faithful hearts and strong minds and bodies. I pray for each of them daily and I see them as faithful servants of the Most High God. They will be healers, dancers, drummers, writers, warriors, wrestlers, runners, farmers, engineers, lawyers, leaders, preachers, and teachers in the Kingdom!

AND! I SEE their children and their grandchildren doing the most amazing and miraculous works!

“So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me until I proclaim Your might to another generation and Your power to all who are to come!” -Psalms 71:18

Confessions Of An Intercessor

aged ancient asian buddhism

There was THAT moment.

That moment in time when realization flooded me. He has called me His. He has called me to be His Intercessor.

His WHAT!!?? You mean, You want me to pray?!

And HEY! JUST an Intercessor? What the heck God!? That’s it!? That’s all You got!?

Can you imagine talking back to The God? Yep. That’s me. Raised on questioning authority, steeped in independence, and serious leanings toward rebellion. Pretty good at public speaking, a born actress, a spinner of tales, good with kids and dogs, tenderhearted and merciful and God tells me He has ‘called’ me to be His Intercessor. You can hear the distaste dripping off my words. The scorn at actually being ‘unseen’ and ‘invisible’. The nerve of God! And yet… Was there something to this?

I had been pursuing God for a year; literally running after Him. Kids grown, working three days a week, ministering at church, husband at home and me looking for what God wanted me to do. I guess I thought the above was not enough… or not big enough.. or not worthy? I was certain I could hear Him saying He had a JOB for me. I kept praying, fasting, looking, doing, listening…

Then Sheila…

A dear friend from home group had become gravely ill. What started as a minor respiratory infection got progressively worse, to the point of being hospitalized. Her husband and kids bereft, our home group rallied with prayer, meals and visits. I began to pray in earnest. My heart was broken and the tears and intercession poured out of me. I had a powerful sense of God’s great love for Sheila and her husband. I was on my knees several times a day for weeks and then, one day, I felt an incredible release, as if I suddenly KNEW she would be okay, she would be healed! I went to visit her in the ICU, to lay hands on her and to pray. On the ventilator and kept unconscious, I thought she actually squeezed my hand with her cold one as I prayed. Praying for unconscious people was not my comfort zone, but I knew I was supposed to be there doing just that.

Within the week Sheila had improved and was taken off the vent. When I heard the news, a victorious flood of tears burst out of me. It was in this moment that I could actually hear God SAY… This is what I have for you to do. I was humbled and dismayed at my original attitude. The tears of victory became repentant and grateful! I had NO idea….

Being a small part in a GIANT plan suddenly became a BIG deal. Sheila was that gift God gave to me!!!

The invisibility is a hard one for my prideful self. “Secret weapon, stealth ambassador, hidden weapon, trustworthy messenger” are much more palatable titles. I am still learning what this all means. I still stumble with tooting my own horn; with telling that I helped… I share all this to remind you, to remind myself, that whether visible and famous, or ‘behind the scenes’, quietly toiling, you are valuable and exactly where you are to be. Father God says you are DEAR to His Heart! A fragrant aroma…

“…Angels were holding golden bowls, full of incense, which were the prayers of the saints…” -Revelations 8:3

selective focus photography of jar releasing smoke
Photo by Artem Mizyuk on

As the years have passed since ‘that moment’, I have grown content with being quiet, with listening to where I am supposed to be, who I am to pray for, when I should pray. This has not come about without growing pains.

I just try to listen, obey and pray. And wait for the MOMENTS that He ordains. I am His intercessor, after all.

“…I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.” -1 Timothy 2:1


frozen wave against sunlight
Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

I am here before you to say… I have wandered around for a time. Roughly three months worth of wanderings.

I have been caught up in the cares of the world and tangled in the weeds wrapped around my feet. The burdens I have carried have weighed me down so that, surely, I am several feet shorter and my vision has been obscured by the dirt in which I have been buried. It hasn’t been unpleasant, really, I have just been numb and immobile.

My wings have been pasted to my sides. The dance has been absent and songs haven’t floated through my head as much. The sad thing was… I didn’t seem to care.

But… I think I may be emerging. I’m feeling a bit like a butterfly stretching and quivering in her cocoon. And as I am, I am looking back to find out what actually happened. Because you see, I am not sure.

brown and white swallowtail butterfly under white green and brown cocoon in shallow focus lens
Photo by Pixabay on

I had submitted a written piece of work for consideration for publication. It was declined, graciously, as I knew it would be. I was all out of sorts while writing it and felt pressed within the required constraints. I could not relax and let the words flow and the dangerous ‘acceptance’ status was plaguing me. I tried. I really did. I attempted to make the inspired writing fit the required number of words and genre. The real issue was I didn’t want to do what they had requested and being held within that framework only served to push me further from the acceptance letter.

Having put the effort out there and actually submitting some writing took some courage. I struggle with getting everything perfect and then waiting for the pat on the head. I have been so about getting the accolades of my people that I had forgotten this is really a God-given thing and He is the actual author and finisher of my faith AND the writing.

I simply took myself out of the mainstream. I dog paddled over to the edge of the muddy creek and sat in the cattails to wait and to watch and to listen.

Social media off. Work done. Quiet. Stillness. Frantic activity stopped. It was so unlike me that it felt strange. I filled a couple journals with words and thoughts and pictures and notes and prayers. I walked in the woods a lot. I stared at creation and drank in the days. When I got sick in the midst of this sabbatical it was not unwelcome. I slept and coughed and recovered. I could do very little. The time has been therapeutic. As my physical strength has returned so has the emotional and creative treasure. I think…

And yet…the heart block. There is something more to learn. The thing blocking my heart from hearing…is hidden in the recesses of my mind. Instead of actually, for really, being still and listening to what God is saying, I am this little moth flitting about, coming close to the flame but then heading off on a meandering path through the trees.

So…I press in. It’s an exercise for me. I practice, I hop up, I stop, a random thought flows across, I follow it, I sit and remember something I forgot to do and off I go yet again. It’s flexing unused muscles, finding them sore, and then abandoning the quest in favor of some pressing idea.

I know that My heavenly Father adores me and chuckles in amusement at my antics…I feel Holy Spirit wooing, Jesus holding my hand and Father smiling, and yet I still pursue my own path…

I long to follow Him and go deeper with Him and see what great adventure is in store. Obedience, patience, hearing and listening are not my strong suits. I am determined that these will be mine. This is my choosing. I will not dwell on my inadequacy but embrace that in my weakness HE is strong.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” -2 Corinthians 12:9

I will remember that, “I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13

So TODAY, I am on THIS journey. I am LISTENING to the heart of my Father God!


Do we engage in battle without weapons? Do we go out to the desert without water?

Do I go to Help in desperate pleading? Do I run to get relief only when I have exhausted my own abilities, ideas and solutions? Is it MY ways first and then I’ll try yours or His when mine don’t work?

I am talking about a weapon for the warfare; A drink for thirst. A conversation, a discussion, perhaps a debate or an argument, an exchange of ideas, thoughts and words; with Someone bigger than myself. PRAYER.


I was looking at my folded hands as I was in prayer last night. The clasped hands speak of agreement. I am agreeing with myself in the words and feelings that pour out. My spirit is saying YES. My mind is saying AMEN (so be it).

So the clasped hands say, “I mean these words, my whole self is together on this; Mind, will, emotions.”

Many times, my hands are not folded politely…

The path is fraught with struggle in the battlefield of my mind. There are obstacles in the road, a BIG one being my ‘self.’ She’s a big, beautiful, messy, complicated being. She thinks she has to have everything figured out, often does, and frequently gets bossy. Before prayer is even thought of, she has to have exhausted all abilities and thinks there is no solution. ‘If I can’t do it, no one can… ‘

hehehehe. “Oh! Prideful, much?”

The struggle also contains grief. I’m grieving loss and inability. The wrestling includes desperate surrender, a ‘‘giving up’. Hope and expectation are silent. I am tussling with familiar ‘friends’ of fear and worry and they move in to try to govern my emotions, which seem to fly all over the place in the midst of heated confrontation. I am muttering and whining and supposing and complaining and planning and….


He comes. He envelopes me with deep trust. He wraps loving arms around me. He listens when I am screaming. He understands the sorrow and disappointment. He sees my tears. He feels my heartache. He shares in my joy and celebration. He sings to me and enters into confidence with me. I can’t explain the science. I can’t describe a formula. I can only say it’s a ‘knowing’ in my soul. I feel Him! I hear Him speak in my ear. I see Him move all around me. In the miraculous and the mundane… He is there.

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s… Take up your positions and stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…”.  2 Chronicles  20:15

So … those clasped hands represent to me, in my praying, AGREEMENT. I agree with Father God.
His plans, His ways, His unconditional Love, become mine in that moment my hands gather together. The result? I am flooded with peace. I have supernatural wisdom. Suddenly there is clarity. Miraculously, wounded souls are healed. The lame walk. The blind see. Not MY doing. I just get to hang out and help. I am partnering with the Mighty God of the universe. The creativity that bursts forth and the things that are built speak of the Creator!!! What fun in the midst of the battle!!

I take up my instrument, my paintbrush, my pen, my weapons.


Take up YOUR weapons. Hold YOUR position. Praise, Confession, Intercession, Petition, Thanksgiving! You will be well suited to war.