Night. Night.

When it is Day Twelve of a writing challenge, it’s the end of a day, you haven’t written a thing, and now there’s no other thought in your head but to find your pillow and go to sleep….

If our God desires relationship with us at every moment of our day, and he invites us to intimacy even in our not so pretty events, we bow our heads, turn from our own ways, and look for Him in those tired, upside down, inside out, last ditch thoughts of the night.

“Hey God, it’s me, how ya been?”

‘Aw, come on Bets, climb on up here and let me soothe your troubles and sing away your cares. Those weights are not for you to carry. I’ve got a much better plan.”

‘Ok….Lord, I don’t have the strength to climb. Can You lift me up?”

“Sure. Come here.”

He really is THAT approachable. Even if we grew up with fear and predictions of doom and gloom when we mess up, He calls, He welcomes, He covers us with an awareness of forgiveness and rest.

Let us, even now, walk under that covering and be nurtured and sung to and rocked to sleep. This God who dwells in Light and is Truth has open arms just waiting for the end of a busy day when we will run into them.

He gives to His beloved in their sleep.


Good Night.

string lights hanged on bed frame
“I was asleep but my heart was awake. A voice! My Beloved was knocking….” Song of Solomon 5:2

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Love that you read my blog! Thoughts welcomed!

  1. “Sure. Come here.” I caught my breath and cried…so simple and beautiful to just come to Him… ❤️