The deeply wounded make for very loud children. They clamor about, loudly proclaiming their offenses; flinging their hurt at whitewashed walls and thrashing their arms and legs in the river torrent. White foam overcomes them and wounds are torn open, spilling out the foul and decaying leftovers from years and years of hidden pain. They take up the cause of others who have endured perceived injustice, lashing out at any and every potential threat.
I have friends who are those ‘loud kids’. Their complaints are written on their faces and in their veiled eyes. I have been that soul who has prodded and poked at those sores. I have touched them in their fury. Whether from curiosity or empathy, I have felt compelled to reach out and investigate. It has resulted in times of understanding and love as well as giant warfare and some irreparable division.
I have had to step back in this season, to preserve my heart and mind and to protect myself from their unintended wounding. My prodding was innocent ‘in my head’ but in their broken state it was NOT helpful but hurtful. How foolish of me to think I could ‘fix’ them or ‘set them straight’!!
The lesson has been for me. I must keep on loving in spite of my missteps. I must come alongside them in their struggle and continue to point to the One who CAN heal and fix; The One who will always be there no matter how loud or prickly they are. Keeping my mouth quiet and my heart and mind focused on Jesus grows a peaceful presence and open arms. ~ Betsy
“It is the kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance.”~ Romans 2:3-4
“As Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend…”
Proverbs 27:17 NLT
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is move out of the way &Let God handle the “Loud &the Fury”. When calm returns God will either bring us back into the picture with “new perspective ” or give us a new set of wings to “take off” into a new journey of discovery. Either way we will learn what it means to “surrender” to God’s will.
Extremely hard!