“…Behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. And He who was sitting was like jasper stone, and a Sardis in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance.” -Revelation 4:3
Color!! Marvelous, amazing color!
There is a line of a song that I woke up with this morning, dancing through my head. “Clothed in rainbows, of living color…what a marvelous mystery…”
Hahaha. This is usually how these songs are. One partial line that flows over and in and through me…all day long. I realized it was these chapters of the Word I had been studying the last few weeks; Dwelling here on this rich ground of truth.
Indeed! A beautiful sight!
This thought led into the day, perhaps choosing color to paint the walls of my ‘new to me’ home. We would choose white, simply because it goes with everything, it’s clean and it’s bright. But how boring. I like bright beautiful color. That would be my leaning.
Why do some people choose color and others choose white for the walls of their house? Meandering tumbling thoughts interrupting my quiet. I have to chuckle at where they take me.
God is clearly a lover of variety and color. Evidence is all around us. And here it is written in a description of the Throne room. We are created in His image, so surely color is part of that design!
Art 101 teaches that white is the presence of color, all colors. Black is the absence of color. AH! Now that makes sense. Creative and glorious being is of course clothed in rainbows…
God is light. He is Living color! He is a mighty Presence; Worthy of our adoration!
We are created in His image, it is no wonder that there is such differences of color in people’s lives. I gravitate to variety and random combination of color. Surely there was reason I was made this way. Others, prefer flat white or gray or sameness. It all comes together as a rainbow of variety across the earth.
As I enjoy this section of scripture and then walk through my day delighting in all the beauty around me, I realize what an incredible Creator we have.
This life is simply a reflection of the amazingness of heaven. A bare whisper of what is to come. How lovely that we, as His people, are partakers of this marvelous mystery!
Yes…I will paint my house white… and then fill it and surround it with every imaginable color!
Have a beautiful day.
Love, Bets