
“The proverbs…to know wisdom and instruction…” Proverb 1:2

This, my friends is the first day’s thoughts. I have been challenged to write for thirty days. That part is not difficult. It’s the turning down of the volume and sheer number of words to make it more inviting to the casual reader.

A thirty-day devotional? Thirty days of the words that dance through my spirit? Thirty days of simple sweet wisdom that flows down from the Father above?

I am uncertain even what this looks like as I begin. My being resonates with this challenge because I know it is where God has me right now. He is asking that I write. He is asking me to walk out onto the water; farther thanI have ever walked before. He is asking that I trust Him in the face of the unknown. I will do it.

I begin each day with His Word. It is true and I believe that He leads through its pages. The prophets and kings, the broken and the proud, the powerful and the paupers…each one reaches into my heart and mind and guides me to higher places, step by step.

My daily intake of a Proverb over the years has been my starting point of each day; so why not start there, in this project?

The very first verses remind me of the why. To KNOW wisdom…I don’t know about you, but I desperately need wisdom! I have done some foolish moves in my day, and the course of the next thirty days you will see how I have stumbled and fumbled and fought and clung to get up the mountains in my life.

Here I am with prose and songs that pour out upon the paper. Hold me accountable, reader, to not lose you in my flowery diatribes.

This is just to state my intentions.

The next thirty days you will receive in your inboxes a fresh writing. Make comments. Feel free to respond any way you like.

My desire is simply to honor God, honor you and step out upon the water with eyes lifted high.

Thank you, Betsy

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