Eyes To Behold Wonder

“In My Father’s House are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.” – John 14:2-6

His extravagant love poured out on all of us. It fairly drowns us with living water; quenching thirst, feeding hunger, dressing wounds, healing our blindness.

Dark, dark trail of sorrow…I have felt consumed by you in the longest nights and palest dawns. In blindness, I have groped, climbing steep mountainsides, searching for footholds and hand grips upward out of the pit of despair.

Awakened one day with the words of a song on my lips…” Through it all, through it all… my eyes are on You…through it all, through it all…my eyes are on You…” Over and over this few lines danced through my mind and heart, bathing me in Light. This simplicity let me SEE the way in the darkness. I determined to take ONE. STEP. AT. A.TIME.

Another moment, I was the walking dead.

The next day, the words in my head…”he who is not busy living is busy dying.”…my dad’s wise saying…My aching, puzzled heart wanting so much to revive the dying soul before me. Me carrying LIFE daily, going to the water hole and trying so hard in my own strength to carry water to the broken before me…

Ohhhh…I have to keep on living and allow the dying to separate from the physical, to release hold of their tight grip on the things they loved…I wanted so much to go with her; to hold her hand on the path; to ease the dreariness of the departure…and she was doing the same for me…

What a strange conundrum…two souls tightly entwined…with history and story and blood between…walking through this garden neither of us is familiar with…discovering hidden treasure and unsightly weeds…navigating in the dark until we both walk into the Light of understanding…

Another night, restless turning, soothed again by a song in my heart…words sung and covering me…old hymns and sweet worship…I woke from this dream place with the verse on my tongue…”I will rejoice over you with singing. I will quiet you with My love.” Zephaniah 3:17

Tears! Oh Father! How I needed this!!! Thank You!!

The morning brings realization…Eyes To Weep…bring forth Eyes To Behold Wonder…

All around me are the things that speak to the character of my mother.

“…a woman who fears the Lord, she will be praised. Let her works praise her in the gates.”

Proverbs 31:30-31

Surely today she will stand at the gates and her works will be evident.

I SEE the wonders. Little birds flitting freely about, eating the seeds she faithfully spread on winter ground. I see the Paperwhite bulbs and daffodils peeking through the cold dirt, carefully planted in years past; her works. I see the lives she has influenced and hugged to her heart. I see out of the ugly-only the lovely.

As her little body shrinks daily, the spirit of Thelma grows larger in anticipation of ascent to freedom, to life forever with Jesus…

February First. Awakened to a verse in my head, and a word from a friend.

”Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him.” Proverb 3

“…only the Refiner knows how long or how high the temperature needs to be to produce that pure gold….one must walk out the process…”

TEARS….Yes Lord I want the gold! Mama would want the gold. Okay…I will walk…

In the greenhouse…looking at the miraculous flower I saved from Mom’s house when she left…enjoying the sweet warmth and fragrance…phone rings…

Seven Thirty. Mama is finally flying free. She is dancing. Her broken little body no longer holds that amazing strength and presence.

And I behold the wonders…

… that have taken me along this path with her. I UNDERSTAND! I can see clearly as I look backward…How funny is that?! I was so blind in the dark, struggling at every single turn, bumping into walls, falling down slippery slopes.

Glancing back now, I see only a well-lit path strewn with flowers and glittering gold and nuggets of truth…surrounded by a great cloud of people gone before and living still, covering me with LOVE.

white bird flying over body of water
Photo by Aenic on Pexels.com

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  1. Ms Betsy, you don’t know me. I have been keeping Ms Brooks in my heart and in my thoughts since she was in Leesville Rehab Hospital towards the end of 2021. My husband worked there and was her nurse sometimes. The way I knew this terrific lady is that I worked at Beauregard Memorial Hospital twice. The first time I can recall seeing and talking to her was sometime in the spring of 1989 when I had been a nurse for only a few years. My then-husband was in the military and I was living in Leesville while he was in Korea. I was the charge nurse on 2N on the 3-11 shift…not because I wanted to be the charge nurse but just because that is how the staffing fell. I do NOT do pediatrics, but for some reason they sent a 2- or 3-year old child to our floor from the ER. The child wasn’t really particularly ill, but STILL…I do not do peds! So, I told the parents I would do the best I could but I was not a pediatric nurse. As I went out into the hallway, I happened upon Ms Brooks. Now, at the time, I didn’t know this feisty little lady other than to know she was the house supervisor. So, I proceeded to say “WHY did you let them send me a pediatric patient?! I do not do peds and I told the parents that.” Ms Brooks told me, “Well, but you can’t say that.” I told her, well, yes I can because I had just done so. The parents weren’t upset about what I had said. Anyway, that all worked out fine because as soon as they had a bed open on 2S (which was the peds floor), they did move the kiddo down there. I worked at BMH about a total of 5 years altogether and Ms Brooks and I learned to love each other and we got along famously, even though I was obstinate about some things…she took it all in stride and I always felt like she just wanted to pat me on the head–even though she was a good 6 inches shorter than me–and tell me okay, Alice, just move along with you. I do remember her talking about her daughter Betsy who lived in California and she always sounded proud of you and your children. Anyway, she retired while I was still working at BMH and I was just incensed that the administration did not give her some kind of retirement party or something. Soooo…I took it upon myself to give her one on the floor I worked on at that time, which was the Restorative Care Unit on the 3rd floor. I got a cake, got a card and took it around to all the floors to get folks to sign it and got her a tote bag that said Genuine Antique Nurse…she got a kick out of that, LOL. I thought I had a picture of her holding that bag but I cannot put my hand on it right now. I would love to send it to you if I ever do find it. Anyway, she had my utmost love and respect…and I do NOT respect people just because they have a title…she earned it. She was by that time in her life pretty soft-spoken but she was NOT a pushover. She was feisty in a good way! I truly never heard anyone who worked in that hospital when I was there who didn’t have good things to say about her. Now, she might have been much different as a younger person because we do tend to mellow with age. This I know because I am now close to the age she was when I met her for the first time. She and Bob even cared enough to come to my second wedding…I know I had a picture of them there as well but, again, I cannot FIND things. She and Bob were such a great couple. I saw a picture once of them at some sort of military reunion ball–I think it was in New Orleans–and she and he were dressed to the nines and both cut such an elegant figure…I would have loved to see them dance together. And once I was at the gardening store on Ft. Polk and she happened to be there, too. She still wore her hair long and always had it up at work, but that day, she had a braid down her back and a floppy hat on…the epitome of an old hippy (and I mean that in a good way)…she was just be-bopping along and I don’t think she even saw me. At any rate, I moved on and away and more or less lost touch with her when they no longer had their BAT@BECI.NET email address. I always loved that she would sign her message T of BAT and Bob would sign his B of BAT. A lot of fond memories. Anyway, I am rambling. But when I heard she was in rehab and was in a pretty weakened state, I immediately asked that God or the Universe or whoever is in charge of that would not let her suffer at the hands of a medical community that might try to save her in the name of doing what they thought was best for her. I have followed along on the fringes since she left rehab, went to the nursing home in Leesville and then on down to where she was when she died. And from the things you have written, I do feel that even though she was undoubtedly thoroughly frustrated at not being able to be at home, that overall she was her spunky self and that she did not suffer unduly when her time came to fly away from this earth. You have my deepest condolences…I do understand that sometimes the mother/daughter relationship can be fraught, especially when we are younger, but I believe you have honored your mother very well in her later years. I will say thank you for that. I loved her and I know she loved me. I do feel that I let her down in later years by not staying in contact, but I am truly not a people person and have to limit my contact with the public.