Apologizing to my readers, once again, I have been running away, hiding, ditching the writing. When a writer says they have writer’s block, I wonder if that’s a thing or if they are just hiding out from doing the thing they were made to do. Are they pretending they can’t think of anything to write? …
Category Archives: Beginnings
I Am Enough
Much of my life has been spent on the art of pleasing others. I learned early that the better I walked, behaved, served, danced, sang, spoke, wrote, cared-for, cleaned, painted, cooked, or in other words…performed, the better I was loved and accepted. If I wasn’t first, if I wasn’t receiving praise, I internalized FAILURE. The …
Our Children
“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” Psalms 127:4 Forty years of marriage has been blessed with three living children and now ten grandchildren. The undeniable blessing of children in our lives has been the most fertile growing ground for growth as a couple and as people of …
Food and Family
“The bread of God is the One who came out of heaven to give His life to feed the world.” ~John 6:33 TPT I sat down at the dinner table the other evening, having prepared a ‘sumptuous repast’, when my husband joined me with a flourish, stating, “And this is what makes a great marriage” …
Refining Trust
Returning to the ‘what actually happened in Forty years of marriage’…I must address what consumed me for a really long time in the midst of married life. I worked. Outside the home. My career as a registered nurse was a huge part of who I was and what I did. So, of course, it’s part …
Walking Barefoot
I have spent a great deal of my life trying to be perfect at everything I put my hand to. I am uncertain now what the standard was that I held myself to…It is kind of a blur. Marriage was no different. I was so concerned about HOW I looked… My weight, my hair, my …
Expectations are funny things. The fact that they can be altered so effortlessly or that they can dash ones’ hopes to the ground in a second are something you don’t really know when you have them. Such was the case with this little prissy, know-it-all bride. Before I ever had a groom on the horizon, …
Two kids from different worlds collide, grow in love and spend the rest of their days together. Fairy tale? I hadn’t been married long before I realized how very different my husband and I were. Not just the personality thing, but the tools we brought into our lives together; where we had learned them and …
Power vs. Strength
Small curly headed two year old, arms folded, little foot stamping with insistence of having her way about something…She lives inside of me, somewhere deep. Part of the little girl grew to be a woman who could assert her will graciously, even quietly; but that little foot-stamping tyrant still dwells within, whispering her will on …
Time Travel -Part Two
In the first year of my marriage, I was figuring out wifing, parenting, working and…pregnancy. That’s right. Not only did we have a toddler we were now expecting our second child… Besides trying to figure out our relationship and who we were within this covenant, we were developing our ‘Trust’ of one another in a …