I had a moment today, that took my breath away…
Not in the usual way.
I had to travel an hour to take my car to its dealer for service. I was a little moany about the early morning drive and having to leave my garden for another cool morning. Realizing I had to get this done, I swallowed my grumpy attitude and pressed on.
During the hour drive, no music filled my car, no conversations with friends…but this sweet interchange with Father God and Holy Spirit occurred as I prayed for the things on my heart. The people I love paraded through my mind as I layed them before the throne of God interceding for the concerns they have in their lives. One person leads to the next, their loved ones follow, our governmental authorities and all their concerns are laid out. The outpouring of Gos’s Presence in my car was a natural walk down to the Potter’s House as I listened and spoke and ‘saw’ and praised and worshipped.
The ‘Potter’ leads me along this winding path down to the place where He does His best work. The forming and shaping of vessels for purposes beyond our imaginations is done there as well as the repair and care of many older pieces of used pottery. He shows me the studio and teaches me how He works. His rhythm and plans for beautiful projects are a mystery but I see how it all flows together and how all the broken pieces seem to be mended flawlessly by His skillful Hands.
He gently guides me in my purposes through each day that I visit with Him. He intercedes with me as I am on my knees. When I put my own plans aside and watch and wait, the lovely things that are produced are a sight to see. I am critical of my abilities and my execution of these things I put my hands to, but He seems to take delight as I work alongside Him. Never is there a critical word or a judgmental eye cast my way. We simply work together quietly, listening to the notes of music that blow through the studio.
I have determined, this last week, to stop my incessant ‘self’ care and let Him take care of me through this season. I am looking intently for what He will show me. I want to stand in awe of WHO He is. I want be able to KNOW His voice as soon as I hear it. I want to obey Him, the minute He gives marching orders. In the mean time, I will walk with Him. I will be still with Him.I will dance with Him. I will wait as He teaches.
This is how I found myself sitting in the lobby of the Toyota Dealer, surrounded by many people also waiting. I opened a precious book given to me by my son. I began to read the verses and felt myself smile at the familiar writing style. Mostly I was dwelling on the fact that my son had selected the book off the shelf without opening the cover to check it out. How beautiful and timely are the words written here. And how perfect in this season I walk through.
I closed my eyes and retreated back to the Potter’s side. Sitting with my head on his knee, covering my loved ones again with prayer, I ‘saw’ a dear friend in her suffering. The tears began to roll down my cheeks. The Father’s love for this person overwhelmed me. Again…my thoughts of God’s restoring power, His care over every detail, His pouring out of protection and direction flooded me.
The tears and the heavy emotion went unnoticed by my ‘wait mates’ and yet I was in this powerful place sitting in their midst. What an incredible gift I was given in these moments, waiting still.
I happened to read this verse in my devotional this morning before I hit the road. Remembering it just put icing on this whole moment of awe.
Thank You God!!
“…a miracle so complete that even the smell of smoke was not on them…”
Daniel 3:27
Think about that in your moments, in your trials, in your miracles. As you ride them out…on the other side, you won’t even smell like smoke.
Love, Betsy
So DEEPLY TOUCHED by your descriptive words, and the wealth and intimacy you carry with Father God and Holy Spirit. You bring each of us into an intimacy with you by the way you write. I am so blessed by you today. Thank you!