“…In everything, give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” -1Thess 5:18
A car full of squirming and rambunctious kids set out for the day from home. They had, five minutes previously, been racing madly about making lunches and getting snacks, looking for shoes and water bottles and bathing suits and sand toys. Mama had been happily nursing her baby on the couch as the kids gathered their things and finished their tasks. Now they were seat belted and car seated into the vehicle and the first call for the day was…
“Okay! Let’s do our Gratefuls!”
Inevitably, the next to the littlest began first, with a lengthy list of almost unintelligible things she was thankful for, ending with MOMMY AND DADDY! and a flourish. Only to try to start up again with something forgotten in her two year old mind. The other older children did their gratefuls and then it was Mommy and Daddy’s turn, and then Mimi.
When it got to my turn, my first thought was always, I am so grateful for this family who starts out their day thinking on what they are thankful for. It is such a beautiful picture of exactly how we should ‘do’ our days.
It is so easy to rush into the necessary things; especially if you have to leave early to work or get kids to school. I remember.
Even if you don’t have those things in the season you are in, you are human. Our first conscious thoughts in the mornings are rarely ‘Thanks’.
One thing I have learned, is that this gift of ‘Giving Thanks’ is not just an act, but weapon. It is like putting on armor for the day, or picking up a sword to combat the ungrateful or critical thoughts that parade in front of us.
Thanksgiving has done wonders for me. During disappointment, discouragement and grief I tended to wallow down in the pit of discontent. Being able to say a very small and weak ‘thank you’ in the midst, drew me up and out of darkness.
There was a reason it is pointed out so often in scriptures. The observance of Thanksgiving happened during a bleak and miserable time in our country’s history. There was method to the people’s madness. They NEEDED to say Thank You to ease their despair. And to show gratitude to the people that helped them survive. Perhaps scripture-based?
November is typically my month to consciously and critically be thankful for one thing per day of the month. It is a beautiful entry into the celebration of Jesus at Christmas time. We have SO very much we are blessed with in our lives. We could set aside a moment for every single day of the year to recount our ‘gratefuls’!
‘…a cheerful heart has a continual feast.” Proverbs 15:15
Surely, with thanks on our lips we feast continually before the King of Kings!
Today, I am thankful for the young lady who prompted me to participate in this Thirty-Day challenge to write every day for the month of November. It has been refreshing and fun! I eagerly approach my computer to see what God will have to say each day.
Thank You, God, for the way You orchestrate the most surprising things!
Thank you, Betsy!