You Live in the Wild

“Out of the mouths of children and infants You have ordained praise…” Psalm 8:2

This, the twenty-first day of a writing challenge to write every day for thirty days, draws me from my usual path to a ‘smile on my face’ path.

Recently, in the missing of grand babies and grown children, I have had many memories pop into my head at the most random time.

While I was walking through the woods the other day, completely absorbed in the trees and the mud, and the fragrance, listening to the sounds of the branches and birds, I had this funny remembrance.

I was staying at my son’s house in San Diego, awaiting an addition to their family, and of course I love to bring a bit of gardening to these city dwellers any time I visit, particularly to my grandson Caleb, who has a special love of nature and living things. All the kids enjoy the garden but he especially loves the time spent working the dirt.

We had gone and picked out plants and seeds and dirt to spruce up their little home veggie bed, and were beginning to do the job.

As we walked down to the little garden, he said to me, “How do you know how to do this?” I asked, “Know how to do what?” He said, sweeping his hand toward the yard,”You know, this.”

I looked over at him and smiled thinking how to answer him.

Before I could formulate a response, He said, “Oh! I forgot! It’s because you live in the wild.”

I laughed out loud at such a thought. He thought about what he had said, and then added more information, maybe thinking my laugh meant I didn’t understand? He said, “You know, because you know how to do stuff with plants and live in the wild.”

It warmed my heart that he thought this about me. I love nothing more than to be outside every minute of every day. I would surely live in the woods (the wild) if I thought I might survive. But I envisioned that he pictured my home on a remote farm in Louisiana, a bit jungle-like, or out back, or desolate and dangerous.

That thought made me smile, and it has never failed to make me chuckle whenever it comes to mind.

That little boy, is a kindred spirit. He gets people. That is his gifting.

He looks at you long and hard, reserving his words, and only says things that get right to the heart of, the core of, a matter.

What blessing to have such people in our lives. Even better if they are a child. The filter, the bias, the fear, the barriers, the expectations and the ‘what will people think?’ thoughts have not grown yet. You will hear much greater truths out of their mouths.

So whenever I feel even the slightest bit glum about where and how I live, I remember that sweet face with awestruck eyes saying…”Oh! Mimi! It’s because you live in the wild.”

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