Rule Stretcher

“In your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed My Voice.” – Genesis 22:18

I had an interesting conversation with a friend this evening. One that provoked some introspection.

We were discussing how we wanted to honor the boundaries set up by this organization we were a part of. I agreed wholeheartedly. I have a great deal of respect for the organization and thus it becomes my responsibility to follow the guidelines. My friend pointed out that she was a rule follower so it was easy for her, though she is not a ‘first-born’. I laughed. My response was that I AM a first born but often, with boundaries, I have some trouble. I did, however say, that I do not want to get in trouble, or do anything wrong; That keeps me from breaking rules.

As I have pondered the conversation, and all that God is doing in my life right now, I realized this was one of THOSE moments to pay close attention.

I will admit to playing in the ‘gray’ area much of my life. I would say, that many of my years have been spent ‘stretching the rules’. Just how far the wrong way can I go without completely crossing the line? That is a dangerous game.

When you dabble in pushing limits and dwelling in gray areas, it becomes difficult to recognize truth, boundaries and the worst of the worse, to make decisions.

This was one of those pivotal moments for me. I had to make an administrative decision, and in my gut, I KNEW the right decision and I couldn’t make it. I did not trust my judgement. If just me, I would stretch boundaries in the decision even when I knew the right thing for the larger good. Because I myself would easily bend and sway any direction, I could not make out the correct course for the wellbeing of the ship.

Then God!

I am so grateful that number one: I prayed. Number two: God answered with a very clear…”ask for help.” Number three: A confirmation from the person I asked for help. And then…

He showed me, through this very simple and brief conversation, the root of the difficulty with decision making has been my own digression in the past from the course God had for me; the disobedience to or ‘stretching’ of the rules all my life.

Isn’t it amazing how our mighty God sees even these tiny little holes in our makeup and uses seemingly inconsequential events in our lives to transform us, to make us whole, to take us to something new and rich for our lives!?

O Lord! Forgive me for all the years of choosing poorly. Open my eyes to recognize truth and help me to trust Your Holy Spirit within for right choices and clear thinking. Heal the indecisiveness that disguises itself as deference, in the Name of Jesus. Thank You so much for leading me well. I love You Lord! Thank You for helping me stop and LISTEN.

Victorious in Jesus!!

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Love that you read my blog! Thoughts welcomed!

  1. Thank you for pointing out how dwelling in those grey areas can obscure the Truth so necessary in all aspects of the way we live and how we make decisions. ❤️