It could be our weakened or broken bodies. It could be a cell, locked tight. It could be a criticism or physical abuse against us. It could be chains around our wrists. It may well be an addiction that we cannot leave behind or a lie that we believe.
Any of these could imprison our minds and lives to the point that we think we cannot move forward.
What of the man, Paul of Tarsus? This man who had a life changing encounter with the Living God. Challenged to look at his life in the Light of God’s Glory, and though physically blinded, SAW for the first time in his life!
Considered a weapon for the government of his day, his pedigree was above reproach. He was highly educated, likely well paid, and respected, with awe, for his swift carriage of ‘justice’ against the christians who were an offense to the philosophies and beliefs of the crown and the Jewish leaders.
But God!!
God had other plans. His story of transformation is remarkable because it is often much like our own. Read the story in the Bible in the Book of Acts. Specifically Acts 9.
God has design for us as well, in our own fractured plans.
After traveling and boldly spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the land, for many years, Paul is imprisoned…Prior to this time, were many beatings and jail time and ill treatment. Even from the church. He never lost his stride or stopped what he had been given to do.
This reading in Philippians this morning really captured my attention.
Paul is in jail, yet he continues to write letters to his fellow believers and acquaintances in the churches. Not ‘woe is me’ letters, but encouraging, uplifting remarks to spur the churches on in their faith.
He did not caution them in their preaching of the truth. “Don’t get too fanatical. Don’t get too loud or take chances. Don’t offend anyone.” He did not talk of despair. Instead, he said,
” Now I want you to know brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel.” -Philippians 1:12
He spoke only of how this imprisonment was being used for God’s purposes and glory, how the entire guardhouse in the prison were being influenced and turning to the truth of Jesus.
“…and most of the brethren, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.” -Phil 1:14
We can choose to be whole by willfully embracing the power of Christ. God says freedom is possible. This is exactly what Paul did. While in jail for his faith, he continued to speak for Christ, not waiting to be released. He was able to live a life of impact in the midst of his circumstances.
We do not need to wait to be released from whatever holds us back to claim the territory in front of us!
Is it your marriage? Your children? Your grandchildren? A vision?
Let us, like Paul, boldly take up ‘our cross’ daily and press into worship through our lives. We are His. He has plans.
I for one, want to walk in those plans for the glory of God! I will sing atop mountains! Dance before my King! Give all that I have, every crown, every joy, to my Savior!
“I expect and hope that I will not fail Christ in anything, but that I will have courage now, as always, to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on earth, whether I live or die.” -Phil 1:20 NCV
Bless you friends!