Even If

“O love the Lord, all you His godly ones! The Lord preserves the faithful.” Psalm 31:23

Even when I cannot see…will I be faithful? When it’s foggy and I don’t know why…will I press on? When no one else goes with me…will I still go? When the way is all uphill or rocky, will I remain on the path? When I lose my way…will I trust God?

I received a challenge this morning. One that I feel certain I could easily have missed.

The morning was beautiful and still, beckoning me to the woods for a walk. I had been busy every day this week, gone from the house or tearing apart an old floor, bent over and sweating…I deserved a rest day didn’t I? Should I stay home this morning? But…no…’forsaking not the assembling of yourselves together…” a bible verse sprang into my thoughts as I considered the choice before me. For some reason, I needed to obey this morning, so I did.

Will I continue faithful when I don’t want to?

The message from Pastor Steve this morning was on Faithfulness.

Faithfulness starts with God and Who God is. Faithfulness to God is not dependent on popular opinion. Faithfulness to God may not be rewarded or valued by people on earth. Faithfulness points to God, not us. Faithfulness to God isn’t dependent upon the outcome. Faithfulness cultivates faithfulness.

Faithfulness…even if… no one notices, even if there is no acclaim, even if your people don’t value what you do, or say, or write, even if you are ridiculed, threatened or persecuted.

Ding!!!! Oh Lord…I get it. I have struggled with the need for accolades and feedback for everything I do in life. Performance-oriented much? Yes..I remain faithful…and I expect to be noticed…I gear my actions to what is pleasing to others…

This writing is the sore spot. He has asked that I submit my pen to Him. Write His words, His way, in His timing… and still I put it out there and look for feedback…He is asking that I continue obeying and being faithful in what he has asked me to do without expecting any return at all. Will I do that?

Yes Lord, it is Yours. Do with it as You wish. Have Your way. Be high and lifted up, my King! You must increase, I must decrease.

Oh! That I am loved so well that my King would speak to me in the little things and in the big…Help me to listen more to what He would say.


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  1. Amen! Your words ring truth leading me to ponder the sharpening my own faithfulness. Blessings, Sister! ❤️