“You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, Let us rebuild… Then they said…Let us arise and build.” Nehemiah 2:17-18
Walls trampled down in disregard. Peoples cast aside in shunning. Forgotten lives, abused lives, lives used for selfish intent, evidence of rebellion. We are indeed in a bad situation.
But God!
He had other ideas to use a willing generation for His Glory. He transformed the farmers and the potters and the musicians into warriors and royalty. He took the hands of the artists, soft and gentle and restored a city.
The job was not an easy one; backbreaking labor, no power tools or fancy gadgets, fraught with despair and discouragement, gossip and fake news.
Nehemiah, using wisdom from above, organized these simple people in families and neighborhoods to rebuild a portion of the wall around the city. “So they would not be a reproach.”
I don’t presume to be a bible scholar or historian, but one can see in reading this that the wall around a city was an important part of the society back then. Perhaps protection against wild animals, marauding thieves or criminals? To have a broken down wall was perhaps an indication of the city’s lack of care or careless ignorance of sin? I do not know, but I do know that as I read this account, I am moved at the similarities between this people and my own people.
A task to restore God’s design is countered on all sides by false teaching, arrogant leaders, squabbling from within, jealousy, envy, scoffers, futile speculation and lies. It is no picnic!
A really cool thing that Nehemiah instituted was the protection and covering of the workers on the wall.
“All of them conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause a disturbance in it. But we prayed to our God, and because of them we set up a guard against them day and night.” Nehemiah 4:8-9
When the people were overcome by fear and all the rubbish around them, Nehemiah purposely stationed them in families with swords and spears and bows. He encouraged them and reminded them how great and awesome is their God. When the burden bearers got tired, the work detail was reorganized such that half of the people worked while half guarded. They rallied with the cry, “Our God will fight for us!!”
I have always taken this story as mandate for intercession. As our brethren labor to build, we who intercede are at the ready, listening for direction on how to pray. What a beautiful and successful organization for the purpose of building God’s kingdom!
Thank You, oh God, for this incredible story of hope and success nestled within the pages of Your Word. Let us not forget the history before us, or the fortitude of our forefathers!
“Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses!” -Nehemiah 4:14
Throughout the ups and downs of God’s people sinning and repenting, tearing down and building up, He is working in us to bring His purpose to fulfillment. We are the watchmen on His strong tower! ❤️
Amen Sis!!!