
“I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.” Song of Solomon 6:3

We are His beloved. He loves us SO much that He desires our company, our conversation, our hearts, our lives. We are beautiful to Him. He is captivated by us and will not relent until He has every part of us.That delight in us is a passionate pursuit.

Just think! The Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the maker of heaven and earth wants me!!! How can this be!!??

We play ‘hard to get’. We hide, we cover ourselves, we run. No matter where we try to go, He is there. He will not leave us alone.

Imagine what Joy the Father must feel when it is me that pursues Him!! What must He be thinking when I am searching for Him, like I am looking for buried treasure?

Does He get butterflies in His stomach or does His heart hammer in anticipation of our arrival?

Does He run out to embrace me as I run to Him? Does He help me find precious diamonds buried deep in His Word? Does He come out into the bad weather and help me wade through waves to look for the seashells along the brimming oceans? Will He cheer me on as I race to the finish?

Yes! Yes! And YES!!

Oh Lord! How I love the way You love me! Fill me with thanksgiving. Fill me up to overflowing with Your power and Presence. Overwhelm me again and again with the revelation of Your sweet care and desire for me.

The Song of Solomon in the Bible is a breathtaking and spicy revelation of the love between a man and his intended. Reading the story actually makes me blush. I am pretty much a pushover for romance but this book takes it to the next level. The chapters are written allegorically, historians and theologians believe, depicting the love between Christ and His Bride, the Church.

I personalize it even further to say it is written about the Father’s love for ME! No wonder I blush…

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy as fierce as the grave. Its flashes of fire, the very flame of the lord.” Song of Solomon 8:6

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Love that you read my blog! Thoughts welcomed!

  1. My imagination has not enough space to know fully well how deep and wide His love for us is. This is truly mind blowing!