“Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established.” Proverbs 4:25-26
Have you ever been plagued by envy? Fear of missing out (FOMO) ? Jealousy? A critical spirit? ADHD (squirrel!) ?Are you constantly watching the side of the road as you travel along? Or…are you frequently looking back, over your shoulder?
I woke up yesterday morning with a niggling, complaining spirit sitting on my back. That thing thinks it can come in here on a daily and pester me! I gather my morning things; my tea, my bible, my devotional, my journal and favorite pen, and settle myself in my comfy chair by the window to wake up with Jesus, and there it sits, beckoning me to join the party…
SO annoying!!
The thing that was different about yesterday was that I recognized it before it really pulled me in. My eyes fell on the verses in Proverbs about straight paths and refreshment and walking securely. I realized the root of this ugly familiar friend was me looking off my path.
I was looking at someone else’s path. I was distracted by the piles of rocks off to the sides of the trail. I was gazing a little too long at things out of my control and none of my business. I had stopped walking on my own road to stare over at another road at the things that were sucking me right down into bad attitudes, grumbly words and drooping shoulders…again.
No wonder David was telling Solomon, repeatedly, to stay on his own trail; keep his eyes fixed straight to the front, watching where he put his feet IN FRONT of him! His ways would be established if he did this!
I too, need this constant reminder to press forward. I cannot spin my wheels looking back at what was or what could have been. I cannot labor over other people’s ‘stuff’.
As a warrior for the hearts of others, I tend to fall easily into carrying burdens not my own. As a mother, mimi, wife, nurse I want to fix and soothe and nurture others. It can easily become a way off my own assignment.
I have been given gifts meant for the building of God’s Kingdom, God’s way. When I start looking over the edge, or focusing on the weeds and dangers on my walk, I stumble over bumps and crevices on the trail. Sometimes, I even go off the trail getting lost in the overgrowth.
It really is load lifting to JUST look ahead at where I put my own feet. If I leave to the side all the distractions… all of the responsibilities that belong to others, I feel such weight taken off my shoulders. A song of praise drifts through my mind. I am set free in an instant!
Up ahead, is a marvelous and beautiful sight! Something neither eye has seen nor ear has heard! It is my greatest calling to fix my eyes up there and to watch for what God will do. He even takes my missteps, my mornings lost in the bushes of criticism, and transforms them into the most amazing things.The damage I do in my humanity, either with tongue or with sour face, He uses for good. He turns me back around and makes a Way in the wilderness where I’ve lost the trail!
“… what the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good… Genesis 50:25
Happy Trails today, my friends.
Look to SEE what the Lord will do, up ahead.
Keeping my eyes fixed along His Happy Trail! ❤️