“…Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:7-8
I am bathed in His Word in the morning light. I am sheltered by truth in a world that wants to make its own truth. I turn from the ways of darkness and walk into a place of health and wellness.
When I read this verse in Proverbs I immediately think about my bones. I know it sounds a little weird but I do!
My bones do hurt sometimes; especially when I eat the wrong kinds of food or work with my hoe all day long in the hard ground of my garden. My mama had osteoporosis and stooped over pretty badly. She broke bones spontaneously. I guess that is why I am dwelling here at this verse.
Our bones support and carry all our parts around this earth. When they are broken or weak, they hurt and they don’t carry us anywhere very well.
Anyone who has ever broken a bone or had osteoporosis or joint issues will tell you that they have pain when the weather changes. Some even profess to be able to predict storms by their bones.
I want to be faithful to care for the frame of this temple that houses my spirit. The bones and ligaments and tendons that allow for movement are important to propel me into a day.
Logically speaking, this verse, if to be taken literally as an instruction on how to live, speaks volumes. If…then…
When I spend time reading the Bible, I am refreshed.
I feel like my frame, my bones, are strengthened.
If my shoulders are slumping in discouragement or the weight of cares, I am lifted up. If I am sick, fragile and exhausted, His Word sustains, lifts my chin and sorts things out.
When evil besets me, either in thoughts or physical events, my God protects me and shows me a path to safety. As I turn away from the evil before me, I find I am healed and refreshed. Blind eyes are opened.
Let us embrace this healing and refreshment as we turn from evil and turn to our Creator who planned and orchestrated all things well.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverb 3:5-6
What a beautiful reminder of His endless refreshments! ❤️