My Potter.
I know it’s been awhile since we’ve sat together in the creative, Lord, but I feel You now. I feel Your thumb on me. You are smoothing out the wobbly sides of my vessel. You apply Your living water to my cracked and broken edges. I can feel the water spilling over me, soothing me, cooling me, cleansing me… I feel the spinning on the wheel…slowly becoming new.
Flying down the highway on my bicycle, the wind blowing me onward, You have bypassed my mind and gone straight to my spirit. Your Presence is all around me calling me to Your side, inviting me to create and conjure and invent. My spirit soars as my mind is filled with ideas…
The days in the ceramics studio in college have faded far behind me but they have left an imprint in my memory…I long for the hours spent in the creation of art. I have had doubts and questions and I have hesitated to move forward. The excuses are not valid, the lies are silenced, doubts are crushed under foot. This sweet ride in the early morning sun has filled me with hope and rest.
So much of life has been so busy and so vital. My days have been applied to service and labor and the raising of others’ dreams. I have put aside my own dreams. The visions I have had through the years shriveled on their vines. Now, when faced with time and opportunity, I am purposely filling my days with heavy labor again. This time no one is asking me for this. It is self-imposed habit. Habits are comfy and convenient but they are not always what is best for the time.
Perhaps it is the time for new habits and real rest in the midst of the work.
I am sorting through this and making tentative steps toward the studio.
I am cleaning and sorting and dreaming and planning.
Trash cans overflow with the old and the used. My eyes are overwhelmed by the beauty around me in the garden and I desire to capture it in art; to preserve the exquisite for other eyes to behold.
What is deep in me is stretching and calling to be set free. Oh Lord! Show me how this is done! What is the answer? What are You wanting from me and where is it to go?
Every stroke of paint, every line from the pencil, every word from my tongue are Yours my Lord… Use them as You desire…
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10