Holy Day

brown tomb
“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do You believe this?” -John 11:25-27

Our Jesus was and is a very personal man. He had encounters with individuals that we read about in the bible that called them out of their comfort zones, called them to accountability, called them to Himself. It is the same today. He is still calling us out to hear Him and make decisions about what we believe and think and how we will conduct our lives.

In the quoted verse above, when Jesus encountered Martha, regarding her brother Lazarus’ death, Martha was resentful that Jesus hadn’t been there to save him. He was not offended.

He simply called Martha to make a personal decision.

” Do you believe this?”

He is asking us as well.

Thank You Jesus for what You did on that cross for me. Thank You for the cruel suffering that You endured, for the blood You spilled, for the separation from God You experienced…for ME. You were indeed the perfect sacrifice, the pure and spotless Lamb; but it is to Your Resurrection that I look for life. You conquered sin and death. You broke the power of the enemy of our souls and Your victory assures that I have victory here on earth and that I will live eternally with You! You are seated on Your rightful throne and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord!

So I say YES and AMEN to Your Resurrection!

And to ‘Easter’ – from the Hebrew word ‘Pesach’ which means Passover.

Let us rejoice together on this HOLY DAY. We have reason to celebrate this sweet victory.

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